Just for the record…

Any and all media not accredited to an outside source or firm is the intellectual property of John Marlow, and not subject to reuse without my permission.

It is not my intent to misrepresent any imagery used on this site and if I have a source, I will source any and all intellectual property that is not my sole creation.

The intent of this website is to discuss the creation of architecture, the use of the software used in the creation of architecture and general discussion about being a creative. It also is meant to serve as a showcase for my background and professional portfolio. 

Any and all future sale items listed on this site will be representative of my sole endeavors and not representative of a 3rd party unless listed as such. I do not currently carry an affiliation to any product, software or hardware posted within these pages. Should that occur I will disclose any future relationships. 

The short version – I’d appreciate it greatly if you didn’t rip me off. Ask first and I’ll likely be fine with granting permission for use of my ideas. I’ve been down this road before, and as flattered as I’ve been that people consider my work worthy of sharing, it’s still stealing if you don’t credit the source. To that end – if I’ve failed to adequately credit the firms or clients that hold the license to the images contained in previous work samples – please contact me and I will rectify the oversight. 

Additionally, any advice provided here is based on cursory examination of facts given, and based on personal experience. As I’m a ‘deep end of the pool’ shade of polymath – it shouldn’t be assumed that anything posted in my ramblings and explorations is hard fact. Just something that I might’ve figured out along the way in my best efforts to learn as much as I can – about anything and everything. I am no expert and failure is always an option. 

